From The Pastor

Reflection for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time…November 11, 2018
A widow shared with Elijah her last handful of flour and bit of oil. — All that she and her son had to live on.  Another widow gave to the temple treasury two small coins. — Her whole livelihood.  Christ offered his life to take away our sins.

All three of the readings for this Sunday speak of extreme self-giving.  How very appropriate on this day that we also remember our veterans. — Those who have given their youth, their innocence, their limbs, their mental stability and, for some, their lives.  These women and men deserve tremendous respect and gratitude.

For what or to whom am I willing to give myself?  There are so many situations and aspects of my life that I struggle with relinquishing to God.  Giving all I have is hard, but with God all things are possible.  Let us pray for that strength.


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