Author Archives: Fr. Rodney

Fr. Rodney

in From the Pastor

Message from Fr Rodney

This weekend we will  be open for personal prayer and confession.  Sat. 4:30PM- 5:30PM & Sunday 10:00AM- 12:00PM **Confessions will not be in the confessionals during this time, we will offer them down in our parish center....

March 20, 2020
in Uncategorized

From The Pastor

This Sunday we celebrate The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe (Christ the King).  This feast marks the end of the Liturgical Year.  Next week we will begin an entirely new...

November 21, 2018
in Uncategorized

From The Pastor

From the Pastor In this Sunday’s gospel (Mark 13: 24 – 32), Jesus speaks to us of the events which will signal the end of the world. He does not say these things to frighten...

November 16, 2018
in Uncategorized

From The Pastor

Reflection for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time…November 11, 2018 A widow shared with Elijah her last handful of flour and bit of oil. — All that she and her son had to live on.  Another...

November 13, 2018
in From the Pastor

From the Pastor

We are now into the great season of Lent. We will spend the next six weeks or so, preparing to celebrate the high point of our faith: the Paschal Mystery, the suffering death and resurrection of Jesus...

February 20, 2018
in Raise the Roof

From the Pastor

Raise the Roof Restoration As you know by now, the church is in dire need of a complete roof restoration; which includes: Replacing some of the support beams in the northwest corner of the ceiling...

January 27, 2018
in From the Pastor

From the Pastor

Sunday, December 9 We continue our preparations for the coming of Jesus. That is, we are preparing to celebrate His coming among us as a new-born baby in Bethlehem. Therefore, it is a special time...

December 15, 2017