Monthly Archives: November 2018

Nov 2018

This Sunday we celebrate The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe (Christ the King).  This feast marks the end of the Liturgical Year.  Next week we will begin an entirely new Liturgical Year with the First Sunday of Advent.  This past year we have been in Year “B” so this coming year we will begin Year “C”. Our Sunday liturgy runs on a three-year cycle,  Years A, B, and C.  Each year centers on one of the Gospels.   Year A features Matthew, B is Mark and C......

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Nov 2018

From the Pastor In this Sunday’s gospel (Mark 13: 24 – 32), Jesus speaks to us of the events which will signal the end of the world. He does not say these things to frighten us, but rather to convince us of the need to be vigilant . . . to be prepared for the final judgment. So then, let’s not focus on the signs and the prophesy of the end of the world.  Instead, let us lead a watchful life and be ready to welcome the ‘Son of Man’ . .......

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Nov 2018

Reflection for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time…November 11, 2018 A widow shared with Elijah her last handful of flour and bit of oil. — All that she and her son had to live on.  Another widow gave to the temple treasury two small coins. — Her whole livelihood.  Christ offered his life to take away our sins. All three of the readings for this Sunday speak of extreme self-giving.  How very appropriate on this day that we also remember our veterans. — Those who have given their youth, their innocence, their limbs,......

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